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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Project Idea

My concentration is in science, specifically Biology or Life Science. I will design my lesson plan to fit in a 9th grade Biology classroom and fit into the GPS and curriculum. One of the biggest struggles I have seen in the classroom is student motivation. How can we get students motivated to learn? And not just memorize for a test, I'm talking about actually assimilate and reflect on information? Trying to do that while also making it fun is a nearly impossible task.  

I'm going to focus on the unit of Cellular Reproduction. What I'd like to do is have groups of 3 or 4 students teach a certain area of the unit. They will make a short 5-7 minute video to present to the class. Students will pick a topic to teach, record themselves teaching the information, and make the presentation somewhat interactive. This may include having the audience manipulate cut-outs on their desk (e.g. the process of mitosis) as the presentation occurs, creating a dance or routine for the audience to mimic, or just simply printing guided notes for the audience to fill out. To make this work, I will need a school-loaned video camera, projector screen, and computer lab with printers for students to use.

I really have never thought of this idea before, so any input would be very helpful!



Hello everyone! This is my blog site for EDIT 7500. I've never used a blog before, so this should be very interesting! Can't wait to get started and follow everyone else on their blog.